I am FOREVER Grateful for such Excellent messages +Learning resources online.
Pastor Perry is wonderful at quick delivery of sermons when speaking w/pleasant voice +easy to understand with a way of making quite difficult material easier to digest +more relative too, by simply getting to ROOT nuggets of revelation to see all TRUTH hidden there.
The OFFICIAL website hosts vital Prophetic teachings from Pastor Perry Stone + other bible partners.
Bible study references are relevant for life application in precarious times we face we MUST embrace Yeshua Jesus Christ as our King, as the LIVING word as His most Beloved Prophets foretold in ancient text of The Bible!
Study +research materials help build FAITH +instruct BELIEVERS who want to find +know a LIVING MESSIAH! We can be productive as intercessors +speakers who use discernment to seek +learn TRUTH that instructs, prepares +saves. You can find Bibles, Prophecy study resources, Hebrew translations, feasts, dates +more at link below:
They also host online worship +teachings on
You Tube w/links to their other social media formats